Thursday, October 8, 2009

Champagne in the Low Carbon Economy, flying high, efficiently and a twist of IT

Last week stood in the sign of Champaign... the region where Champaign is made... some 300 km south of Brussels... brilliant.  Where I started talking with an international couple - she German, he Australian - with 2 great kids, playing with our 2,5 yr old in the same range of age.  He was working as an IT professional for a large Airliner, so was she.
Impressively familiar with the what's cooking on Emission Trading and the Airline industry... 

It was really interesting to speak with you about your consulting work in relation to the Kyoto Protocol. I have a long term goal to find gainful employment related to climate change, so I would love to keep in touch, on both a personal and professional level.

At least someone with a long term goal, capable of thinking in phases... and I meet more people like that ... environment is nice... but ... maybe long term ... is that because you love your job .. it makes a good living ... good company ... good sector ... it allows enjoying family life ... and reading-up when the kids are in bed and there's nothing on TV and you have15' to spend reading on your laptop on Kyoto and Aviation or Kyoto and Computers ... 
or do you say ... ffff... that's my 15th programming language I'm learning/using ... I'm getting/fed-up.... because the Low Carbon Economy really needs multi-disciplinary combination experienced people next to some 30 yr "Kyoto Protocol" Consultant multi-millionaires ... there really is a need for people that have a broader understanding than only "Kyoto" ... it's a bit like the beginning of computers ... nobody knew anything ... and some that were very quick ... and set-up a computer or software company they really made a lot of money ... but ... soon they market was cornerstoned by a couple of big ones... and if you had it like ... "a long term goal to find gainfull employment related to computers an the IT revolution" ... you'd find yourself a couple of years later ... with a wave that has gone by ... and you can just hardly keep-up reading/keep track of what new IT revolutionary idea that came out now again ... wow ... it's not single computers anymore ... a whole internet ... wow ... it's cloud computing now ... linked-in/xing/facebook/twitter/ ... jeezes ... what a mess... and wow ... the company where you are working is taken over or forced to close because it missed the informatization basically... 
Dont' worry ... airliners will continue to exist ... and there will be electronics and IT involved inside and to communicate and interact with the airport ... BUT ... the group that does not take the Low Carbon Economy serious ... let Agenda 21 and the SIZE and SPEEDs involved and let sink in well what is at STAKE and sits down with all division managers to have a look how and if this is going to affect them ... I'm not asking more than that the Strategic Management Session takes place ... and if you're ISO14000 ... normally the wheel should be in motion and the link will be put with the Low Carbon Economy and the conclusion will be : wow STOP ... we have to dedicate a team to this or invite some external consultant to give us a quick overview and help us getting speed in a strategic management session on this topic ... we'll organise that next month ... and a good "Kyoto Protocol" Consultant for the Aviation and Electronics industry will then take time to:
1. Interview someone in the company who knows the strategic plan of the company
2. do a SWOT and see how the Low Carbon Economy impacts that SWOT, write a conclusion
3. I transform that conclusion into a Draft "Kyoto Protocol/Low Carbon Economy/Agenda 21" web-page for ...
4. kick-starting a 1 day workshop for the top-management or a dedicated Low Carbon Economy - team in the company.

And why is talking to IT interesting ? Because IT is always very much update on what's cooking in the company and how the cooking goes... because ... if they don't explain you ... EVERYTHING ... you can't programm/automize it ... can you?
So IT, together with the CEO, Operational Manager, the Bookkeeper (knowing all the dirty secrits/hidden corpses in the closet/ the black money / the % comission from the telecom operator and the water-utility and the energy supplier and ... that nobody should know of ... ) and of course the secretary of the CEO annex Bookkeeper ... those are the pivotal people to watch out for of course ... and since 2005 ... also the "Kyoto Protocol" Consultant ... because if you don't tell him everything or ... that person cannot unlock/steer/brign the right questions hence solutions to the surface ... the once that really lift share holder value with +100% if not +2000%.  I have seen both these latter ... and companies that are being taken over .. giants ... you know them from the news ... 
How to distinguish a good from a better Kyoto Protocol Consultant ? The better one has shifted his name from "Kyoto Protocol Consultant" to ... "Low Carbon Economy consultant"... and makes a subtle reference to Agenda 21 and the Millennium Development Goals ... this to indicate he can - just like the IT-guy - zoom in all into the detail or have him assisted to zoom in into the detail ... and zoom out again to even upto bird perspective ... and can think in time and detect thinking patterns from the Fossile Fuel Economy and warn when they harm / are in the way to the level and speed and power that allows/requires thinking in the overhaul phase towards the Low Carbon Economy in which we now are.

It will be a priviledge to read and see and follow-up and accompany eventually  ... how an IT person, aware and who lived the IT-transition/revolution ... how he's going to react to the information received above, the news he gets from his regular media, the weather he feels on his own skin ... including that of his own kids.