How to solve the worlds most pressing problems / Creating wealth and economic growth in developing countries thanks to smarter currencies and linking the private sector destiny with the destiny of their peers in developing countries.
We know the world's most pressing issues, just read the Millennium Development Goals or Sustainable Development Goals. Imagine you could earn money by solving them. Take the goals on Climate Change: if you know how to capture 1 ton of CO2e - get people to plant trees - or 1 CO2e not emitted - because you know how to replace a fossil fuel electrogenerator by solar techs, you get 1CO2e certificate = Carbon Money. Catch: you can only print the CO2e certificate or Carbon Money if you implement the projects in the developing countries. That is the CDM of Clean Development Mechanism. So if you are a green or innovative company mastering the best technology and techniques and you know how to save CO2e, and you team-up or take over your peers in develping countries, you added a business activity : printing money, carbon money... but it is money. A banker would drool on this: having a printing machine of money in their basement. Now you can have it and solve one of our planet's most hot issues.
You can transfer this to all the other goals: determine the size of the problem, find a unit, ask every nation how many units they engage them for and set-up a unit Trading System. e.g. Millennium Development Goal nr 2: bringing Universal Primary Education - UPE. So many countries don't seem to now or succeed in graduating their youth. If you DO know and manage to graduate e.g. 1.000 students, you get a UPE certificate and you can sell it over the commodities exchange or directly to those who don't. So: those who solve the world's problems get a bit richer, and those who don't get a bit poorer. And that's how you "Creatie wealth and economic growth in developing countries thanks to smarter currencies and link the private sector's destiny with the destiny of their peers in developing countries".
Ist die Phantasie stark genug,
hält die Realität nicht stand - Hegel
Is the imagination strong enough,
reality won't be able to withold it. - Hegel