Every state in Europe is allowed to issue one ever year. They come in limited editions, typical some 1 million per edition. These commemorative coins are actually circulating, so why don't you check your pockets as you might have one without knowing?
Finland's Mint - where the Finnish €'s are actually "coined" - has a long tradition of head-on commemorative coins. I especially remember this Finnish Mint series on the topic of the 17 endangered endemic species in Finland:

Funny thing, it's very devaluation resistant as it's value has risen to 29 $, whilst it only holds a 1€ cent+ a 2€ cent + a 5€ cent+ a 10€ cent+ a 20€ cent+ a 50€ cent+ a 1€+ a 2€= €3,88 !
And the Finnish Mint issued another one that is special to me as a Leadership Developer for the Low Greenhouse Gas Economy: the 2010 Finnish €2 commemorative coin, commemorating that in 1860, they gave themselves the right to coin and issue their own money as a people !
Here it is:

And it's history is a song that's at times in tune with the aspirations of the CO2e-certificates becoming the first world currency. Bringing back the right of printing money to the people of this world, for doing good. It can be as simple as planting a tree and for every ton of CO2e the tree absorbs out of the atmosphere, the tree planters will obtain 1 CO2e-certificate as specified under the UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The history of this Finnish 2€ commemorative coin, also refers to forestry as this economy was very important to Finland and still is.
I wonder if Findland is now able to cash-in its age old expertise in forestry management with the LULUCF under the UNFCCC and if they help with simplifying the rules in such a way that the poorest and cooperatives closest to the people benefit from the additional ROI and Risk Reduction from the generation of CO2e-certificates from the trees they plant. After all, this was one of the most important objectives of the Clean Development Mechanism: to bring the money from those who caused the Global Climate Destabilization to those who are suffering from it.
This year was the 2010 celebration year of 2002-2010 period to halt Biodiversity. We missed out completely on this as a humanity. Not one of the European States thought the 2010 UN International Year for Biodiversity was imporant enough to devote a 2€ commemorative coin for it. What will our kids and grand-kids tell about us?
I've talked about it with Ignace Schops:
- - International Ambassador Countdown 2010 - IUCN www.countdown2010.net
- - Winner Goldman Prize 2008 - www.goldmanprize.org/2008/europe
- - ASHOKA fellow 2008 - www.ashoka.be - www.ashoka.org
- - Manager of the www.nationaalpark.be
and gave him a crash course on all the aspects of how Carbon became Money since 2005, the 2€ commemorative coins, to develop capacity on the topic of developing leadership on the topic and bringing resources of the Fossile Economy to the Low Carbon Economy and the organizations he stands for and I try to back-up.
Those who want to help out: Build capacity and propose a 2€Commemorative Coin.
2011 Is the UN International Year of the Forest. I wonder if our national banks and the groups and families that controll them will deem it enough inspirational to commemorate the year with a 2€ commemorative coin.
A little ngo called www.AfricaCO2.org and www.GraffitiFund.tk have started developing capacity around it. Here's one of the logo's they propose:

It's been inspired by the:
- the 2010-11 UN International Year of Youth
- the 2002-2010 period to halt the loss of Biodiveristy and 2010 Year of Biodiversity
- the 2010 EUROPEAN YEAR for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion
- the 2011 Year of The Forest
- the 2011 International Year for People of African Descent
Looking forward to your points of view, suggestions and collaboration.
Build capacity and propose a 2€Commemorative Coin
2010 Finland 2 €Commemorative Coin
Celebrating: the Currency Decree of 1860 granting Finland the right to issue banknotes and coins.
Nr of coins issued: 1.6 million coins.
Description: The design consists on the left side of a stylised lion figure from thecoat of arms of Finland and the year mark, and on the right side of the mint mark and a set of numbers symbolising coin values. At the bottom the issuing country is indicated by the inscription FI. The twelve stars of the European Union surround the design on the outer ring of the coin.[122]