Thursday, October 15, 2015

2015 - the year we missed peak temperature, one of the saddest years in Human history ... 2015 was the year where we started the killing the majority of Humanity?

2015 - the year we missed peak temperature,  one of the saddest year in Human history ...

2015 was the year where we started the killing the majority of Humanity?

As per below link, the IPCC found that temperature needed to peak by 2015 to stay below 2°C equivalent energy input. Well, we missed it.  2015 must be the saddest year in Human history? 2015 was the year where we started the killing the majority of Humanity?

As per below link, on the road towards COP21, all nations were asked about their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). The EU-28 engaged itself for -80-95% by 2050 if the rest of the world puts us all on a track to -50% CO2e by 2050 and peak temperature by 2020.  The EU-28 further enters the negotiations with -40% CO2e for 2030. And the EU-28 seems fed up with being the only one to save the planet and won't use CDM nor international JI anymore, that was hundreds of millions of green eco-innovations going to developing countries, hundreds of thousands of local sustainable jobs, all in exchange for CO2e certificates and this every year since 2005.  From now on, we'll do all our CO2e obligations within the EU-28.  The least developed countries and their corrupt regimes want money? They must now go to South Korea where the Green Climate Fund is headquartered and to their own national corrupt GCF delegation offices in the Ministries of Energy, Environment - go figure it out yourselves, I'm fed up writing. Corruption high days: a GCF delegate, just sitting in the GCF national office, waiting for people who need a stamp, make them pay big times and of course a nice % of the money you'll get from the GCF.  CDM is near to death, no more linked futures between rich and poor entrepreneurs, no more entrepreneurialism, no more stick behind the door of companies/financiers that realy need those CDM projects to work because they need the CO2e certificates.  The fossil fuel industry won again, idem the non entrepreneurial NGO's.  The latter did't bother to know the difference between AAU's, EUA's - "Permissions to Pollute" and CDM CER's.  To them it were all "Permissions to Pollute".  Add racism in every community, black facism, slandering endlessly the EU-28, and here's your answer back: a strong EU-28 bone of solidarity has been broken in 2015, dedicated by the EU as year for Development, Our World, Our Dignity, Our Future: no more CDM & JI.

And this in the

  1. 2015–2024 International Decade for People of African Descent #africandescent
  2. 2011–2020 Third (!) International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism. 2015-YEAR 5 Time to take stock. Keep the Promise, Claim the Promise? #Colonialism
  3. 2015 European Year for Development Aid - Our World, Our Future, Our Dignity. #EYD2015
How sad.  I think you didn't even hear about these decades.  I'm just about the only one talking about it here in the EU 28 and I don't have enough network around me, nor let networks or strong organisations enter me nor are they open for collaboration.

I 've set-up AfricaCO2e and the EU and Diaspora Leadership Development Institute and Academy with the EU Diaspora, we're very open, but unfortunately we're no match for the large ngo's and they're not open for collaborating with us.  Myself and our diaspora have to jiggle too many plates at the same time in the air: surviving, trying to balance work with family life, staying out of trouble, lifelong learning, ... .

If the IPCC finds that we have to reach peak temperature by 2015 - well, we missed it.  2015 must be the saddest year in human history? Just look at the table in the link below and look into what next best scenario we've entered.  It is forbidden to the IPCC to do estimates on the number of death people. It is allowed to publish how much biodiversity loss, hence how much biodiversity the survivors will have to see to manage their living, growing crops, fighting microbes/bacteria/virusses etc. without all that biodiversity.  I read on the IPCC report: -40% biodiversity. Wow! True, estimating how many people will die by 2050, there's lots of variables, but so is for biodiversity loss.  I think a guessed number is better than nothing? I think : 400 - 440 ppm => 2.4 - 2.8 °C & sea level rise 0,5-1,7 m (that's my wife's height !) and if peak year reached between 2000 - 2020, I estimate 2 billion people death by 2050 and about 50% of Biodiversity left for the survivors to somehow try to survive with, grow food, make medicine, etc..  2 billion out of 7 billion people will die.  World War II counted  60 million death.
Therefore I invite you to this conference:

InfoPoint Lunch-time conference: Launch of the 2015 Global Hunger Index- Armed conflict and the challenge of hunger!

2015-10-19 - 12.30 External Cooperation InfoPoint - Rue de la Loi 43-45 - 1049 Bruxelles - Belgium

 I'm interested to ask how they integrated these facts in their Global Hunger Index-Armed Conflicts.

Hope to see you there,
skype SvenAERTS